Interview with Polenastics winner Sian Green

Posted: May 26 2013

After all the excitement of the recent Polenastics Pole Championships in Milton Keynes, we talk to one of the amazing winners Sian Green for more pole inspiration...


1. You recently won at the Polenastics UK Pole Championship. How do you feel being a winner and will you be entering any more competitions in 2013?
I was so shocked to win!  And obviously, absolutely delighted at the same time!  At that point I hadn't seen any of the performances in my category, but I had seen the girls warming up in the dressing room and they were all so good, so strong and graceful - so I was very surprised when I heard my name.  It took quite a while for it to sink in, I had a big grin on my face for days!  This was my first competition and frankly I was just so pleased (and again, shocked) to get through the online heats - I didn't expect to win and I was just doing it for the experience - cliched but true. I have to say the support from everyone in the run up to the competition, & the support of the Polenastics team, the audience and all the performers on the day, was amazing - everyone was cheering for everyone and giving advice - it was a really positive environment to be in.

As to if I'll be entering any more comps in 2013, well my nerves were absolutely shot for the week leading up to the competition and I could barely eat on the day so um.... we'll see!!  The stress was definitely worth it though, I would recommend it to anyone!  It was an incredible experience and one definitely worth repeating should the opportunity present itself, but my main goal for the rest of 2013 is to master a few of my nemesis moves, of which there are many!

2. How and did you first get interested in pole dancing?
I'm not really sure when it was exactly that I first became interested in pole - let's just say years ago! I've always been interested in dance in it's many forms and have spent lots of time watching and participating - I'd wanted to take a class for ages, but I guess like many people, I was scared to try something a bit different, especially without the support of a friend to go to class with initially - but once I turned 30 I decided it was time to be brave and go by myself, so off I went and I absolutely love it as I knew I would; I made friends with my teacher and girls in my class and of course, I really wish I had started YEARS ago!

3. What is it about pole dancing that you enjoy the most?
EVERYTHING! I honestly couldn't choose!  I love the fact that it is fusion of dance & strength, in whatever amounts you want it to be. With pole you get passion, commitment, community, fitness, fun - you are constantly improving and evolving into the dancer you want to be and acceptance for the dancer you are, both from yourself and your peers.  It doesn't matter if you aren't achieving moves at the same speed as others - everyone is unique; we get there when we get there and we cheer each other on along the way!

4. What are the main fitness benefits of pole dancing and how have pole dancing improved your fitness, strength or body shape?
For me, the main benefit has been a massive increase in upper body strength and core strength.   I'm not really into losing weight, I don't think it is healthy to obsess over a number - I'm into getting fit and pole is perfect for that.  With regards to changes in my body shape, I seem to have got a bit broader on the top and my bingo wings have been filled in by actual muscle! Sadly they still look 'big' though, I was hoping that I would look leaner, but that isn't really my body type.  The most impressive fitness benefit of pole though, is the fact that it makes you want to go do a shed load of other exercises to assist in your pole progress - I was never really 'into' exercise (aside from dance) prior to pole, & now I run, go to yoga (MUST. GET. FLEXY!), and have recently begun to attend Kettlebell and TRX classes to improve my all over strength and stamina.  I'm toying with the idea of going to adult gym too, as I think that would be brilliant and really beneficial, but there are only so many hours in the day and I want to fill most of them with pole!

5. Has pole dancing had an impact on anything else in your life such as giving your more confidence or making new friends?
Absolutely!  Pole has made a massive impact on my life - it is fair to say I am a little obsessed!  I am definitely more self-assured that I was before, which I take through into my life outside pole, & I have made so many good friends from within my pole family.  I am more conscious of my diet and have made positive changes to it, as I want to fuel my body correctly.... my poor boyfriend is subjected to lentils far more than he would like nowadays!  He also has to put up with a constant barrage of pole videos and (slightly one sided) conversations about pole - but he is amazing about it.

6. What are your 3 favourite pole moves and why?
I love being upside down and seem to have quite grippy legs, so scorpios, cross ankle releases, those sort of moves are right up there as favourites - I think they look really pretty and also quite impressive at the same time! I also love shoulder mounts; its a really strong move and it was quite a painful learning process, but so satisfying to get & I'm looking forward to getting stronger and working on all the harder variations!  I think handsprings are just ridiculously good, I look at people doing them and think I'll NEVER be able to do that.

7. What are your favourite strength training moves on the pole and why?
Well for your core, I think shoulder mounts (again) are brilliant, as are air inverts & cross ankle release (when you sit back up from them), and scissor climbs from the floor to the top of your pole are great for you arms and your legs too as long as you keep them out straight!  (I admit mine tend to flap around a bit!)  But just taking your spins all the way to the floor every time you do them will really help overall... I must take my own advice as I don't do any of this enough!

8. Where would you like to see pole dancing in the future?
I'd like to see it EVERYWHERE!!! I have no particular feelings about whether or not pole should be in the Olympics (I know some are dead set against it, while others are all for it) or that it MUST be fitness based, or conversely, should ALWAYS be done in 7 inch Pleasers - I think it's pretty great as it is, being varied in style and tastes - and as long as it remains accessible to all that is just fine with me!  I'm nothing special; I'm not super bendy, particularly graceful, massively strong, or sexy.... but how great is it that there is room for all of that, AND room for people like me and we are all able to get so much out of it!

9. What pole performers do you admire or inspire you?
I love Felix Cane, she is just WOW, & so lovely too!  I'm also a big fan of Sarah Scotts performances, she's really strong, but also graceful and flexible.  I'd love to be able to do even a 1% of what they can do! I also enjoy watching Vladimir Karachunovs' videos - he gives a really fun performance filled with interesting tricks.  My pole teacher is my inspiration though, she works so hard and is so fit and she gives me so much encouragement - I'm not the quickest of learners, but she is so patient with me and helps me to progress in my own time, yet pushes me to achieve the moves that scare me.... eventually!

10. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying pole dancing for the first time to convince them to give it a go?
JUST DO IT!!!  Do NOT wait, you will only regret it if you do.  Seriously.

11. Three words that sum up pole dancing for you.
Addictive. Exhilarating. Challenging.



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  • Posted by Tony Griffin on May 26, 2013

    Sian was amazing. Such a talented dancer and really got the crowd going. And a very beautiful girl

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