Amazing new product to heal your calluses

Posted: Jan 24 2013

We know how pole dancers suffer from calluses on their hands and we've found an amazing product to help heal your sore hands.

Introducing the Ript Skin Systems, which has been specifically designed to repair skin - fast.  

The 3 phase skin reinforcement pack includes;

1) Quick fix tube - protect freshly damaged skin from the elements and repair moisture barrier. The tubes are in lip balm style tubes so they are easy to fit in your bag or pocket and carry with you. Wash and dry hands, then apply liberally to torn area. 

2) Daily dose tube - hydrate calluses to keep skin pliable and prevent future tears. The tubes are in lip balm style tubes so they are easy to fit in your bag or pocket and carry with you. Apply daily. Keep stick with you and re-apply as needed. 

3) Grind stone - keep calluses thin yet tough. Grind down dry and rough skin. Use in the shower for best results. 

Buy here now and fix your hands!

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