Interview with Melissa Whipp - Inter University Pole Championship Winner

Posted: Apr 10 2013

The Inter University Pole Championship too place at the University of Essex this year and there were some amazing performances with a high standrd of competitors.  We talk to advanced category winner Melissa Whipp from Newscastle University....

1. You recently won the advanced category at the Inter University Pole Championship. How do you feel being a winner and will you be entering any more competitions in 2013?

It felt absolutely amazing to win! I really wasn’t expecting it so it was a great surprise!

2. How and did you first get interested in pole dancing?
From a young age I was always interested in gymnastics but never got the opportunity to do it. When joined university I found out about pole dancing and Newcastle’s society so signed up straight away!

3. What is it about pole dancing that you enjoy the most?
I love it because I feel like I am flying! I feel strong and confident when pole dance and it’s absolutely magical to watch people do things you never thought was possible

4. What are the main fitness benefits of pole dancing and how have pole dancing improved your fitness, strength or body shape?
Pole dancing has massively toned up my upper body and abs, one of the best things about it is that I find it addictive and as you progress to more advanced tricks you need to be stronger and fitter and so it pushes me to work out on a regular basis, which otherwise I wouldn’t have the motivation to do.

5. Has pole dancing had an impact on anything else in your life such as giving your more confidence or making new friends?

All of my best friends are through pole dancing - Newcastle’s society is such a community! We are all pole sisters J being part of the society has led me to do so much, performing for charity, taking part in competitions and trying to break a Guinness world record!

6. What are your 3 favourite pole moves and why?
My all-time favourite three pole moves are;

1) the phoenix – because it’s incredible,  
2) a shoulder-mount around the world
3) and any sort of drop from the top to the bottom of the pole!

7. What are your favourite strength training moves on the pole and why?
I like to do the arms only climb as I find they help with my chopper inverts, V-sits as they hugely improve my deadlift shoulder-mounts and leg raises again to help with inverts!

8. Where would you like to see pole dancing in the future?

I would like to see it less stigmatised, it is definitely moving into the mainstream but you still get a lot of stupid comments when you say you pole.

9. What pole performers do you admire or inspire you? 
Oona Kivela as she is so fast and strong, Laurence Hilsum as she is so engaging to watch, Zoraya Judd for her pure strength, Felix Cane for her fluidity and flexibility and Jenyne Butterfly as an all rounder!

10. What would you say to someone who is thinking of trying pole dancing for the first time to convince them to give it a go?
DO IT! It’s amazing!!

11. Three words that sum up pole dancing for you.

Beautiful. Artistic. Powerful. 

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