EPDC 2013 Winners

Posted: Apr 07 2013

It was a great day at Emma's Pole Dancing Competition in Derby and we met some lovely pole dancing fanatics and saw some amazing performances. Pole people aorund the country never ceases to amaze and inspire us. 

We were also treated to guest performances by Sonia Allcock, Jess Leanne Norrris, Sally Ann Giles and Emma Haslam.

And the winners are...

Amateurs: Charlotte Burrows (she is only 14 and is set to be a pole start of the future!)

Intermediate: Nikki Annision

Advanced: Zoe Haslam (Emma's sister)

Doubles: Leah Walters & Rachel Breheney

Expert: Jamin Veness

Intermediate Aerial Hoop: Cara Leigh Sisson

Advanced Aerial Hoop: Amy Williams

Best Entertainer: Gemma King

Best Costume: Helen Seelly


Well done to everyone!  See more photos on Facebook. 

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