Miss Pole Dance and Mr Pole Fitness 2012 Results

Posted: Jun 04 2012

Congratulations to everyone who took part in the 2012 Miss Pole Dance and Mr Pole Fitness competition in Brighton on Saturday 2nd June .  The standard of the performances and the thought and creativity that went into the routines was amazing.  Check out the full list of winners below...

Miss Pole Dance UK 2012 Results:
1 - Sarah Scott
2 - Felicity Logan
3 - Kristina Walker
Best Pole Tricks - Felicity Logan
Best Entertainer - Penny Howarth
Best Costume - Scarlett Aston

Watch Sarah Scott's winning performance here

Miss Pole Dance 2012 Doubles Category Results:
1 - Bendy Kate and Sarah Scott
2 - Penny Howarth and Anna Chisolm
Best costume - Serena Pepper and Ricia Coleman
Best tricks - Kat Humphreys and Tiff
Best Entertainers - Penny Howarth and Anna Chisholm

Watch Bendy Kate and Sarah Scott's winning performance here

Mr Pole Fitness UK 2012 Results:
1 - Nico Modestine
2 - Carl Taylor
3 - Ian Matthews
Best Entertainer - Mark Vernon
Best Costume - Aiden Kelly
Mr Strong - Nico Modestine 

Watch Nico Modestine's winning performance here

Find out more about the Miss Pole Dance and Mr Pole Fitness Competition here

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