Interview with Valeria Parsi - Italian Pole Dance Champion

Posted: Dec 28 2011

Hailing from Rome, Valeria Parsi is the Italian Pole Dance Champion for the Pure Pole category and a Pole 2 Pole magazine cover star.  Find out how Valeria started in pole dancing and why she loves it so much…

1.How did you first get interested in pole dancing and what made you become an instructor?
I heard about Pole Dance in a TV program, ran in front of my PC and searched on YouTube for some videos…I saw Felix Cane’s winning performance of 2006 and fell in love with it. In 2009 I heard of the first school in Rome, so I went there and after a few months I’ve been asked to teach, to my big pleasure!

2.What is it about pole dancing that you enjoy the most?
The challenge of overcoming your limits and the sensation of flying…and the amazing workout obviously!

3.What are the main fitness benefits of pole dancing and how have pole dancing improved your fitness, strength or body shape?
Pole dancing gives you a totally new body shape, you get toned, your fat amount decreases and your self confidence grows.

4.Pole performers are athletes, like in any other sport. What is an average day’s training for you?
There should be stretching every day, and not too much on the pole. Then running, core exercises, push-ups and all that stuff, but for me, these should not be done just before climbing on the pole, because I sweat a lot and then it’s impossible to do my tricks!

5.You judged at the 2011 British Isles Pole Dance Championship. What do you look for from the competitors performances?
Expressivity and original stuff, together with a smooth execution and perfect lines.

6.What do you think makes a good judge?
Deep knowledge of pole dancing, technique and great passion.

7. What are your 3 favourite pole moves and why?
Twisted grip lift, because it requires great strength but it looks you’re going up without any effort.
Cocoon, for the amazing flexibility you need and the shape it creates.
Flag/Brass monkey climb, in which you’re really defying gravity.

8.What pole performers do you admire or inspire you?
I admire every performer, for the sacrifices this sport requires at high levels. Anyway, my favourites for their styles are: Jenyne Butterfly, Felix Cane, Alethea Austin, Oona Kivela, Anastasia Skukhtorova, Karen Chaundy, Zoraya Judd, Marion Crampe, Marlo Fisken.

9. If someone has never tried pole dancing before how do they get started?
They should just go to a serious school and get on the pole! Not too much at the beginning, muscles and strength need time to grow and we don’t want them to get injured! Having the right teacher helps a lot. ( I suggest not to try things alone at home without mats!! ) And passion is the main ingredient.

10. What’s next for you in the coming year?
I will continue teaching and holding workshops, training, learning from the best pole dancers with whom I like to have private lessons, I’ll be in the jury panel of various important competitions, and I hope to meet new amazing pole people around the world!

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