Polenastics Pole Championships preview with Pippa Loveridge
Posted: Jun 08 2014
The last ever Polenastics Pole Championships will soon be upon us, we caught up with event organiser Pippa Loveridge to get the lowdown on this years event...
1.The Polenastics Pole Championships is coming up soon. How is the event shaping up compared to last year?
This year we have moved the event forward so we finish earlier - no late nights this time round. We have put the performers together so they have more time to warm up and we are in a bigger venue as the demand last year was greater than the previous 2 years. We have also invested in the hire of a rigging system so no more wobbly x-stages =D
2.Tell us about the categories and competitors.
This year we have moved the event forward so we finish earlier - no late nights this time round. We have put the performers together so they have more time to warm up and we are in a bigger venue as the demand last year was greater than the previous 2 years. We have also invested in the hire of a rigging system so no more wobbly x-stages =D
2.Tell us about the categories and competitors.
Lynda Barksby
Our winner is performing at the live event
Gautami Karbir
Taimar Gilbert
Hannah Bowyer
Nicola Brayley
All other categories are listed in NO particular order
Phoebe Morris
Lucy Madelaine Eaton
Charlotte Hornsby
Sarah Garrity
Cynfer Jezebel Turrian (Jezzie)
Olga Puķe
Hannah Robson
Joleen Whyte
Anna Frost
Sarah Buckland
Hannah Rose Kaynes
Sophie Geldeard
Claire Cotterill
Caroline Rees
Kate Harrison
Sam King
Ian Kockelbergh
Robert Johansen
Samantha Spronson & Penelope Dent
Sophie Black & Natasha Medlin
Lauren Moss & Nicola White
Zorena Roe & Angela Hawkes
Stevie Hilton & Andrea Tozer
3.As well as all the amazing competitors you also have a panel judges. Tell us about your judges and how the competitors will be marked?
As well as the wonderful legacy judges Sarah Scott, Stacey Snedden, Jess Leanne Norris and Jamie Taylor, we have 2 new judges this year - Charlotte Robertson and Daniel Rosen. The scoring is the same as all the others years, and its a good, fair system as its been emulated by other competitions. We don't take away the lowest and the top score in this competition, each judge needs to offer good, solid and constructive critique that backs up their scores. All of our judges are excellent at this as all are performers or competitors themselves.
4.As a well respected Judge on the pole competition circuit yourself, what tips can you give competitors to help them with their performance on the day?
As well as the wonderful legacy judges Sarah Scott, Stacey Snedden, Jess Leanne Norris and Jamie Taylor, we have 2 new judges this year - Charlotte Robertson and Daniel Rosen. The scoring is the same as all the others years, and its a good, fair system as its been emulated by other competitions. We don't take away the lowest and the top score in this competition, each judge needs to offer good, solid and constructive critique that backs up their scores. All of our judges are excellent at this as all are performers or competitors themselves.
4.As a well respected Judge on the pole competition circuit yourself, what tips can you give competitors to help them with their performance on the day?
I have so much respect for all competitors, I competed in 2010 and it was terrifying so I understand their nerves. For me its about the finished routine, exits and entries need to be solid, and they have to bring us in. Eye contact - engage with the audience and judges is very important - watch angles, make sure the best line/shape and not.
4.As a well respected Judge on the pole competition circuit yourself, what tips can you give competitors to help them with their performance on the day?
I have so much respect for all competitors, I competed in 2010 and it was terrifying so I understand their nerves. For me its about the finished routine, exits and entries need to be solid, and they have to bring us in. Eye contact - engage with the audience and judges is very important - watch angles, make sure the best line/shape and not your butt is shown to the audience and we can tell when they enjoy every second.
5. What are the biggest mistakes competitors make that lose them points?
Not working on exits and entries for tricks - just being good at a trick doesn't score points if the exit out is sloppy,. Not holding positions and rushing to the next, trying to cram too much in, rather than making sure what you do, is perfect, and toes - always toes. As a judge I am always disappointed when a competitor doesn't stay and take a bow. the audience is clapping for them so they should stay and take a bow - they deserve it!

6.How did you first get interested in pole dancing, what made you try it?
Same old story, bad relationship, wanted to find something to do in the evening that kept me from facing the reality that I was unhappy. Bored and never enjoyed any other fitness. Pole dancing classes sounded edgy and fun and I wanted to experience both of those things.
7.What is it about pole dancing that you enjoy the most?
4.As a well respected Judge on the pole competition circuit yourself, what tips can you give competitors to help them with their performance on the day?
I have so much respect for all competitors, I competed in 2010 and it was terrifying so I understand their nerves. For me its about the finished routine, exits and entries need to be solid, and they have to bring us in. Eye contact - engage with the audience and judges is very important - watch angles, make sure the best line/shape and not your butt is shown to the audience and we can tell when they enjoy every second.
5. What are the biggest mistakes competitors make that lose them points?
Not working on exits and entries for tricks - just being good at a trick doesn't score points if the exit out is sloppy,. Not holding positions and rushing to the next, trying to cram too much in, rather than making sure what you do, is perfect, and toes - always toes. As a judge I am always disappointed when a competitor doesn't stay and take a bow. the audience is clapping for them so they should stay and take a bow - they deserve it!

6.How did you first get interested in pole dancing, what made you try it?
Same old story, bad relationship, wanted to find something to do in the evening that kept me from facing the reality that I was unhappy. Bored and never enjoyed any other fitness. Pole dancing classes sounded edgy and fun and I wanted to experience both of those things.
7.What is it about pole dancing that you enjoy the most?
Feeling something that was hard get easy. Thats the best feeling, when you can tell you are getting closer to achieving something that seems so impossible when you first tried it.
That with effort, its ALL possible and that there is no limitations. I go to a pole class and I come away with a new skill, a new trick, a new technique. I go to aerobics and I come away sweaty and thats it, just sweaty. There is no euphoric feeling that I nailed a grapevine, no class cheering me on when I alllllmooooost touch my toes for the 5th time and no bunch of friends that I then meet down the pub and have random convos about how many times I step-touched last night...
8. What are your greatest achievements in pole?
That with effort, its ALL possible and that there is no limitations. I go to a pole class and I come away with a new skill, a new trick, a new technique. I go to aerobics and I come away sweaty and thats it, just sweaty. There is no euphoric feeling that I nailed a grapevine, no class cheering me on when I alllllmooooost touch my toes for the 5th time and no bunch of friends that I then meet down the pub and have random convos about how many times I step-touched last night...
8. What are your greatest achievements in pole?
Simply changing from a sofa loving lazy arsed tubby unhappy lady who was a part time pole student, to running Polenastics, becoming an international judge, being awarded as an international ambassador for the industry, running a popular pole competition for four years. But mainly, being in the incredible position of making so many other students fall in love with pole, to be considered an inspiration to their fitness and skill. Its incredible and I feel very honoured.
9. What are your 3 favourite pole moves and why?
Climbing, cos its bloody hard and if you get it right, it can look so effortless. Especially the side climb, I loves it, its an under-used move I think. Combo spins are also great, to be in flight for as long as possible, and daredevil, because its an iconic move that you still don't see very much.

10. What are your favourite strength training moves on the pole and why?

10. What are your favourite strength training moves on the pole and why?
Climbing, see above, repeaters of flashes, cartwheels and tucks and controlled exits and entries. Take time, slow things down and engage muscles - its the best way to use your body weight to get stronger.
11.What pole dancers do you admire or inspire you?
11.What pole dancers do you admire or inspire you?
Every single one of my students, especially those who really push their boundaries and don't give up when it gets hard. Kate Edwards. She simply is driven and so incredibly knowledgeable.
12. How do you think pole dancing has evolved over the past few years?
12. How do you think pole dancing has evolved over the past few years?
Quickly. Hehe, its morphing almost daily, one minute we love the roots, the next we hate them, then we are going for the olympics, then we want to slut it up.... I don't care, just get me upside down with people who never thought it would be possible for them to do it when they first saw it on TV or at their first class.
13.Three words that mean pole dancing to you?
13.Three words that mean pole dancing to you?